“Most of the time, we are trying to make the good things last, or we are thinking about replacing them with something even better in the future, or we are sunk in the past, reminiscing about happier times. Ironically, we never truly appreciated the experience for which we are nostalgic……” https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1sR4y1z7ST/
还挺好玩的剧情流畅女主嘴炮太厉害杰森斯坦森真是猴子请来的逗逼2333用来各种恶搞正统间谍反派女也有可爱的地方最后的fuck you too两人的羁绊呀除去间谍片的套路不说谎恋人剧情还有一些细节挺好玩的